Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Hague

I've just returned from a wonderful trip to the Netherlands. I want to thank the extremely nice people from Europol who invited me to brief their high tech crime experts about the latest advancements in volatile memory analysis. It's encouraging to see that the major police organizations of the European Union appreciate both the importance of and potential for volatile memory analysis. They also understand the role it will play in the future of digital investigations.

During this trip, I also had the pleasure of meeting a number of people whom I've exchanged emails with over the years. For many of them, it was great to finally be able to associate a face with a name. In fact, this was definitely one of the major highlights of my trip. In particular, I look forward to future collaborations with both Jon Evans and Michael Cohen, who both gave outstanding presentations.

While in the Netherlands, I also had the opportunity to meet up with Robert Jan Mora, Bas Kloet, and Joachim Metz from Hoffmann Investigations. Hoffmann Investigations is lucky to have such a bright group of forensics researchers. Not to mention, they are also really good at reading a menu for those not brave enough for the mystery meal! Hopefully, they will make it back to the US for DFRWS 2008.